Finding Powerful Universal Guidance When in Need

How do you know you’re on the right path and that your efforts aren’t being wasted?

Signs, signs… everywhere there’s signs!

Open your awareness and signs are everywhere…

They can come in the form of –

✨ A passing comment

✨ An experience

✨ A literal sign

It may even be the way the mushrooms are arranged on your pizza…

Who knows?!! 🤷‍♀️

You do.

They may have a generic meaning for everyone else, but there’s a profound message for you.

I’ve made the commitment to getting up every morning at 5am and writing. As much as I love being a night owl, I wasn’t getting anything creative done. I have plans, big plans, and for things to change, I have to change.

So, here I am, taking action, and looking for a sign through my bleary eyes that I’m on the right track.

My inner guidance led me to start decluttering. A serious declutter. I took a couple of books to donate to the library in our complex and sitting on the shelf was a copy of Think and Grow Rich.

Not just any copy, but an old, well worn one with yellowing pages…

A sign I’m on the right track… and that I need to read it again.

Last year, while I was struggling emotionally, I went to a women’s empowerment event. Places were set at tables for morning tea and we could sit anywhere.

Individual quote cards had been placed upside down at each place setting. When I turned mine over, it revealed another sign from the Universe…

I am a Creative Genius ✨

Signs will only ever mean something to you. Only you can decipher them.

I’ve learned over the years to listen to my inner guidance and have learned to be grateful for the not-so-enjoyable experiences because they’re signs I’m not on the right track.

They’ve shown me were I can take responsibility for my own situation by reviewing what happened and reflecting on how I can step up, grow, and take aligned action to change the outcome.

The Universe is leaving signs for you all over the place and it can be as simple as a rainbow reflection on the wall. Raise your awareness and when you receive a sign, be sure to say, “Thank you 💜”. The Universe loves appreciation and gratitude.

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